Monday, March 31, 2008
Best deal for a business man!

Posted by Mojave at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Finally NVIDIA 9800 GX2 released!
Posted by Mojave at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Make money out of your scraps
Posted by Mojave at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Fix Vista Networking
Network discovery: On this makes your PC visible on the network.
Public folder sharing: Up to you The Public folder is a special folder Vista creates in which you can put data you know you want to share across the network with multiple users. You might store your pictures, videos, and music here, for example. It’s just like any other folder, except it can be simply managed and shared with one click here. Turn it on (either read only or read/write) and you’ll see the Public folder in the Computer view directly under the Desktop folder.
Printer sharing: Up to you only if you want to print across the network.
Password protected sharing: On
This is the setting that lets users with a valid login on the Vista PC reach shared folders on that computer. Turn password-protected sharing off and users can do just about anything. Leave it on for better security.
Posted by Mojave at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Refine the registry with TweakVI
Posted by Mojave at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Tech Info
Posted by Mojave at 5:57 AM 0 comments
Wish a dish
If you think that you could be one of those gifted people, who provide human’s greatest pleasure, be trained in a proper school. You need not while away your time just for searching chef school or culinary schools available over the internet. Just log on to culinary-school-finder.com and find the best suited culinary school for you.
Posted by Mojave at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Make it double.
This number, by the way, only reflects the cost of the past 12 months and does include any other costs incurred since 2002, when the development of the format began. As of now, these numbers are based on information from industry sources and we won't find out how much the real loss was until Toshiba will report its financials in April.
Toshiba's guidance for the full year was a profit of 290 billion Yen, while analysts are now expecting the company to end up at about 250 billion Yen. It is unclear which portion of the HD DVD shutdown charges will be included in the firm's fiscal year, which ends on March 31.
Toshiba pulled the plug on HD DVD on February 19, stating it was impossible to win the format war after Warner announced its switch to Blu-ray in early January. Despite the ongoing $300 million "The look and sound of perfect" campaign, the HD DVD camp lost support from major movie studios, retailers and rental outlets within six weeks.
Posted by Mojave at 9:11 PM 0 comments
AMD goes for WorkStation
ATI and Nvidia have been fighting over the workstation market, which allows them to sell their (2D tuned) graphics cards for prices of well over $2000 on the high end, for some time now. ATI and now AMD, however, never really gained traction in this market, with Nvidia dominating the segment with a market share of about 86%.
AMD now tries to open up the workstation graphics market to the lower end, offering a new card for $250. The "ATI FireMV 2260 2D workstation and desktop accelerator card" is specifically aimed at financial institutions, where the card can "increase trader density" thanks to its "exceptional energy efficiency" which reduces cooling requirements: The card actually comes without a cooling fan and simply incorporates a passive heat sink.
AMD said that the low-profile card will fit into in practically any PCI, PCI Express 1.0 and PCI Express 16x slot and is the first card of its kind to offer two DisplayPorts. According to the company, the 2260 is capable enough to enable traders to receive 2D and 3D live video feeds and run Windows Vista and its Aero graphical user interface. The card is expected to begin shipping in April.
Posted by Mojave at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Quad-Core notebooks to enter market
Posted by Mojave at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Trendy look!
Posted by Mojave at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Extra Large Solution
Posted by Mojave at 6:38 AM 0 comments
No, Not anymore!
Posted by Mojave at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ya, its true!
Now I could make money out of my own hobby! Yes. You’ve heard nothing wrong! You could get paid for blogging. Thanks to Smorty.
Just advertise on blogs and get paid. Not only me, anyone could easily make money for what they are doing. Now am pretty sure that each and everyone would start blogging. I do admit that to start a blog and maintaining it is not as easy as one might think. But once you know how to do that, you could go with more than one. What’s more, you’ll be paid for each and every step of task you undertake. Let’s put that part apart, and start off with how to start a blog and see some real money! Shall we?
a) Go to blogger.com and create an account with a blog of your choice.
b) Maintain that blog regularly by posting in about your thoughts.
c) When you feel that your blog has enough posts indexed by Google, apply for smorty.
There you go! Some easy money!
Posted by Mojave at 5:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Believe the hype, this undersea action-adventure is the best game so far!
BioShock tells a generic story: Kill the bad guy, escape from the dystopia. In that regard, it’s just like countless games I’ve played before. But unlike those other games, BioShock’s story is rife with subtext—objectivist philosophy is obviously the underpinning for Rapture, the game’s underwater setting, but the game is also injected with parables illustrating the dangers of hubris and science unchecked by a code of ethics.
Posted by Mojave at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Heavenly shopping!
Posted by Mojave at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Pa. Vijay turns producer
Sources reveal that, though the movie has been on roll for quite some time, only one and half songs and a few talkie scenes have been finished. The expenses, on the other hand, have touched a whooping amount of Rs. 50 lakhs. The producer, upset by the obvious mismatch, has demanded explanation and detailed accounts. He has even gone to Producers’ Council to settle things with the director.
Since the producer too is close to the ruling party like Vijay himself, both have been advised by the party circles to settle the issue amicably. As part of the compromise formula, Vijay is said to have offered to pay the amount spent so far and take up the responsibility of the producer of the film. The producer too is believed to have accepted it.
Posted by Mojave at 7:48 AM 0 comments
These days GPS services are getting pretty cheap and when combined with online tracking functionalities they can be extremely powerful. When GPS systems first started to come out, they typically requires long-term contracts. The technology has gotten cheaper and the systems to manage that technology have also been simplified and scaled out. You shouldn't have to get a GPS system shackled to a long-term contract. You should not have to get a GPS system that requires you to maintain a large number of GPS tracking units even when the size of your fleet varies over time moving up and down.
With that said we would like to check out GPSInsight vehicle tracking system, an online company that provides a relatively cheap and very powerful system for tracking fleet vehicles.
GPSInsight's service helps you to identify what your drivers are doing. You can figure out where they're going, if they're staying on Route, you can even determine if they are exceeding the speed limit for driving dangerously or taking the most efficient path to their destination! It's very important to know what your drivers are doing with your vehicles.
GPSInsight sets up a GPS tracking system for your fleet of vehicles within few days, not long period like in past.
You can take a look at a number of online tutorials at GPSInsight where you can see just how powerful their systems are and all of the advantages that you can manage with the online systems that support the actual devices in your vehicles. They only charge a couple dollars per unit and that means you don't have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars per vehicle to buy the equipment and hundreds more to install it. The installations are fast and quick and very cheap to get the system up and running. Also dont miss the company's blog - Blog for GPS vehicle tracking
Posted by Mojave at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
what's the Buzz?

Posted by Mojave at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Anjathey's success story
Posted by Mojave at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Everything is Planned!
Good things happen at the unlikeliest time. I saw this Hotel Reservations the other day and thought it would be nice presentation before my readers who look for hotel reservations. I do like to write travel. Before me finalizing the decision to review the website, I thought it would be possible only if the website has hotel reservations from Kerala. Kerala is my place, you see. Sure there are hotel reservation deals for Kerala hotels, just as there are for hotels from Goa, Delhi, Kolkata, etc in India, among destinations at 100 different countries.
The website has done its homework to offer hotel reservations at 70,000 properties in 100 countries of seven continents. A brief overview article on India, in the destination guide section gives an accurate account of prevalent weather conditions in different parts of India, clearly telling first time visitors what they can expect where and when in India. The account of rain, snow and temperature conditions one can experience at different parts of India during different months is accurate. You can get some cool discounts for registering at this site. Not only you could book your destinations but also include the reservations of Motels, resorts etc.
There are also useful run downs on communication facilities, costs, legal issues, destination recommendations, special interest destinations like Yoga Meditation Ashrams, an account of important festivals, etc. Same kind of overviews are available on most destination countries and I expect them to be accurate too. Apart from hotel reservation deals, there are also airlines ticket booking, car rentals, vacation rentals and vacation packages – normal things you can expect from travel websites. HotelReservations.com also offers Price Guarantee for hotels, condos and resorts – something business and pleasure trip planners can look forward to. Travelers can also contact Hotel Reservations directly over telephone.
Posted by Mojave at 11:01 AM 0 comments
A Place for Trend-Setters!
The problem is that, which school suits you the best. The only thing that can be done in order to solve this problem is go online. You need not be a geek to go online and find a fashion school in New York. But it is highly impossible for one to select the best school that offers best academics and that should suit that individual. Difficult isn’t it?
Here comes the life saver – Just log onto fashion-school-finder.com and get the fashion school New York of your choice.
Posted by Mojave at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Make a decison!
This makes the customers go crazy on them and they get confused on what firm to choose for their requirements to be fulfilled. The needs of the people may be of different kinds such as credit card requirements, personal loans, auto loans etc.
But at last I found out a solution on deciding the best firm for your requirements. By this you method you could easily avoid any bad credit credit cards offers that come to you.
The solution is simple just log on to the badcreditoffers.com site and choose the best deal that suits you. This site offers you all kinds of options.
The next time you need a credit card, make sure that you take a wise decision.
Posted by Mojave at 8:57 AM 0 comments
MS Natural Ergonomic Desktop 7000
Posted by Mojave at 5:53 AM 0 comments
My Disclosure Policy
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
Posted by Mojave at 5:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Shopping on BlackFriday
CircuitCity is my favorite, they provide all the products at lowest prices. Infact my dad bought our 4.1 digital camera at Circuit City. With its excellent customer service and high quality products, Circuit City get a lot of customers during black friday. Hence in order to avoid that one can simply log on to blackfriday.info and gain access to all the products of Circuit City. Thereby saving time, energy and the last minute rush. With its excellent information on shopping during black friday , blackfriday.info is my choice for all those shoppers out there.
Posted by Mojave at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Throttle User Account Control
Posted by Mojave at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Run Vista Command Line as Admin
Typing cmd in the Start menu’s search box will bring up the familiar command-line window, but depending on your machine’s confi guration, you might be stuck in a restricted mode even if you’re logged in as an administrator. To launch an unrestricted Admin command line, type cmd at Start, then press Ctrl-Shift-Enter. You can also do this by right-clicking the CMD.exe result in the search box and selecting Run as Administrator in the drop-down menu. You’ll notice you’re in Admin mode by the Administrator prefi x in the window’s title bar. Now you can move and copy fi les and folders from the command line and run system tools such as msconfig; by default these privileges are locked out.
Posted by Mojave at 3:33 PM 0 comments