Friday, April 11, 2008

Store more

GMail Drive 1.0.12 beta

Since google introduced gmail, almost everybody has used it at one time or another as a virtual storage device by appending attachments to a self-addressed e-mail. Gmail Drive simplifies the process to harness the 6000+ MB of a gmail account. The program, after installation, adds an additional icon to the ‘My Computer’ as if it were a drive actually attached to your hard drive, instead of a virtual drive space. Login to your gmail account, by right clicking on the drive icon and get started. If you fail to login on the first try, you need to persevere. Any of the three – drag and drop, or right-click and send to, cut-copy-paste- commands work. Upload time depends, of couse, on your conection speed. Even EXE, CHM, ZIP files can be stored Deleting the e-mails prefixed with ‘GMAILFS’ from your gmail account will delete it from the Gmail Drive and vice versa. While Google’s ‘Terms of Service’ doesn’t ban usage of a gmail account as a virtual drive using the Gmail Drive software, there is always a possibility that they may do so in the future.

For: Easy installation, good interface with Windows Explorer
Against: Can’t store files above 20 MB


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