Intel announced its new Z-P140 PATA solid-state drive for mobile devices in mid December. The device, to be available in 2GB and 4 GB capacities, is smaller than a fingernail. Measuring just 1.8mm in thickness and 0.6 grams in weight, it is far smaller and lighter than current 1.8-inch solid-state drives.
The Z-P140’s controller can address up to 16 GB of flash memory, enabling mobile devices in the near future to be equipped with full operating systems and applications, with enough room for storing photos, music and videos.
Intel already makes the Z-U130, a USB-based solid-state drive that is suited for ultra mobile, embedded and low-cost PCs. A serial ATA (SATA) version could be announced in the near future as well.
The Z-P140’s controller can address up to 16 GB of flash memory, enabling mobile devices in the near future to be equipped with full operating systems and applications, with enough room for storing photos, music and videos.
Intel already makes the Z-U130, a USB-based solid-state drive that is suited for ultra mobile, embedded and low-cost PCs. A serial ATA (SATA) version could be announced in the near future as well.
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