Friday, January 11, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots

The last MGS to come from the hands of the original director Hideo Kojima, Metal gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots is a PS3 exclusive and is the first game to confirm support for PS3’s DualShock 3 controller. Most of the original developers of the game that also features most of the original voice cast. Set in the world five years after the events of Metal gear Solid 2, the game’s protagonist Solid Snake is making his last appearance in the series. For players with the default PS3 DualShock 2 controller, the game will feature a white Threat Ring which will denote the presence of sound instead of vibrations. Stealth will still play a big part in the game requiring the use of a lot of new arsenal; one amongst these is the new Solid Eye monocular device which will replace all other binoculars and night vision devices from previous games. The octocamo camouflage system will make the player invisible for a few sonds, and the Metal Gear robotic drone will be used for communication, or reconnaissance.


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