Considered the natural progression of the popular survival horror series, Resident Evil 5 will further improve the story of Chris Redfield, one of the playable characters from the original resident Evil. The story of the game is set in the period ten years after the first game. This time Chris is a member of a groups known as BSAA, and is sent to a desert to investigate an incident. There is also news of a strong female character, which will have a big part to play in the story of Resident Evil 5.
The game will feature a range of environmental effects on the playable character with effects of heat, cold, and light affecting the character’s handling and vision. Moving from dark to bright scenes will emulate burn-out effects through HDR, also Chris, the game’s lead character will require a consistent supply of water to survive the harsh deserts of Africa. Facial animation will be enhanced with individual controls to muscles groups in the character’s face. Additionally physics simulation will be controlled by the middleware solution provided by the Unreal engine.
The game will feature a range of environmental effects on the playable character with effects of heat, cold, and light affecting the character’s handling and vision. Moving from dark to bright scenes will emulate burn-out effects through HDR, also Chris, the game’s lead character will require a consistent supply of water to survive the harsh deserts of Africa. Facial animation will be enhanced with individual controls to muscles groups in the character’s face. Additionally physics simulation will be controlled by the middleware solution provided by the Unreal engine.
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